She is exempt from sex discrimination laws. 她免受性别歧视法的追究。
Men in college were exempt from military service 大学在校男生免服兵役。
Under international law, diplomats living in foreign countries are exempt from criminal prosecution 根据国际法,驻外外交官员免受刑事检控。
Soldiers were exempt from paying rates 士兵免缴地方税。
Members of the service staff shall be exempt from dues and taxes on the wages which they receive for their services. 服务人员就其服务所得之工资免纳捐税。
These goods are exempt from customs duties. 这些货物免征关税。
No one above 18 can be exempt from military service. 凡是年龄在18岁以上的人都不能免服兵役。
Perfume is not exempt from import duty. 香水没有免除进口税。
Under a 1994 law, supplements are exempt from the rigorous oversight applied to prescription drugs and medical devices. 1994年的法律规定,补充剂可以免受处方药品和医疗器械适用的那种严格监督。
Are you exempt from checking? This way, please. 您是免检吗?请走这边。
The Secretary and the Treasurer are exempt from this time restriction. 秘书和财务主管免予这种任期时间的限制。
When a market-wide crash occurs as it is right now, no one is exempt from it's effects. 现在当市场发生崩溃时,没有一个是从它的影响中被豁的。
Virtually all students will be exempt from the tax. 差不多所有的学生都会获得豁免此税项。
The remaining imported goods shall all be exempt from consolidated industrial and commercial tax. 其余的进口货物,都免征工商统一税。
Going to vocational school meant being exempt from pressure and tension. 上职业学校意味着得以免除压力和紧张。
Children under 16 are exempt from prescription charges. 16岁以下的儿童免付处方费。
Nationals from these countries are exempt from the charge. 来自这些国家的公民免除费用。
Both the government and Central Bank of Cyprus will be exempt from the controls. 塞浦路斯政府和该国央行都将不受资本管制的约束。
And that case involved baseball, which unlike basketball is legally exempt from federal antitrust law. 而1972年那起审判是关于棒球的,和篮球不同,棒球不受联邦反垄断法管制。
If acquisition fails, you are then exempt from processing, and your tag number will be cancelled. 如果收购失败,你再从加工豁免,您的标签号码将被取消。
Applicants who are married to EU citizens are exempt from fees. 与欧盟国家公民结婚的申请人无需交纳签证费。
Certain charities are exempt from VAT registration. 某些慈善机构无须进行增值税登记。
School property is exempt from all taxes. 学校财产免除一切赋税。
Businesses that purchase merchandise for resale to others are normally exempt from paying sales taxes on their purchases. 购买商品用于转售的商家通常在购买时被免除营业税。分期付款购买商品有它的利弊。
He is exempt from military service, because of his bad health. 他由于身体不好而免服兵役。
( of persons) not exempt from an obligation or liability. (人)不免于义务或责任的。
We should admit that no one is exempt from making mistakes. 我们应该承认,不犯错误的人是没有的。
These goods are exempt from taxes. 这些商品不免税。
A distributor who only adds a label bearing their name and address is exempt from the GMP requirements. 经销商,如果只将他们的名称和地址添加在标签上,可以豁免GMP要求。
For individual investors, the income of Treasuries is exempt from state and local taxes. 对于个人投资者,国库证券的收益可免缴州地方税。